Your Body is the Brace, Don’t Let It Forget


There are many products in the health and fitness world that brace, stabilize, and stimulate your body in order to compensate for dysfunction and imbalance.  However, what assistive products do, is train your body to rely on external support when, in fact, the musculoskeletal system is intended to serve you in all these capacities without assistance.  When you wear an ankle or knee brace, you weaken the knee and ankle and create a reliance on the external support.  Alternatively, if you train your body to harness it’s intended functionality, you can create a system of stability and integrity that will move and support you.  Our species has not come this far because of special tapes and gadgets.  We are built to endure and the body will repair itself if given the chance.  At we provide specific corrective exercise to alleviate pain and improve performance by giving your body the chance to regain its intended functionality.  You can get a free online posture assessment in a few easy steps and

Keywords: Egoscue Portland Posture Pain Free

Sean O'Neill