Posture and Inflammation


The suffix -itis means inflammation.  Add it to a body part and it means there’s inflammation in that area.  Appendicitis means inflammation relating to the appendix.  Tendonitis means inflammation relating to a tendon.  Arthritis means inflammation relating to a joint.  Inflammation is a condition that occurs due to stress and irritation.  With regards to the musculoskeletal system, improper joint position creates friction in the joint, which causes inflammation; therefore, reducing friction, reduces inflammation, reducing pain and injury. treats posture with corrective exercise to reduce this friction and reduce inflammation, in turn, reducing pain.  In a few easy steps you can get a free posture assessment at and begin to address your posture and eliminate your pain, improve athleticism, and return to your favorite physical activities pain free. treats people virtually, so no matter where you are in the world, you can pursue a pain free life through corrective exercise using the Egoscue Method.  Each session includes a personalized exercise menu with detailed video, picture and written instructions.   

Keywords: Egoscue Portland Posture Pain Free